Under Contract

Our Buyer’s Inspection is perfect for you after you are under contract. During this investigative home inspection, we produce a comprehensive report that is designed to give you the information you need to successfully and confidently close on your home, and we give you a personal tour at the property where we present our findings and answer your questions. The report contains copious details about the type and condition of the components of the home you are about to buy, as well as clear descriptions of safety and function upgrades that may be warranted.

View Sample Report

Armed With Knowledge

Your inspector will turn vague worries about buying a house into a concrete understanding of your new home. Before you leave, you will receive a detailed and descriptive report which answers all of the questions you have – as well as the questions your mortgage and insurance companies ask. The report will also include a list of upgrades and repairs that you can enact yourself or use as part of the negotiation to close on the property.

Why Use District Home Pro?

No matter how you look at it, buying a home is one of the most stressful events in life! Even if you’ve found the home of your dreams, there’s still anxiety involved. While the process of buying a home is still complicated, getting a complete picture of the home you are buying, including the condition of the home and the systems within the home, can help you feel less stressed. That’s what District Home Pro brings to its customers – a knowledge of the home that is both complete and impartial.

What’s Covered In Buyer’s Inspection?

As with all of our inspections and assessments, we examine these parts of your home:

  • Indications of System Malfunctions and Structural Problems
  • Upgrades to the Plumbing, Electrical, and HVAC System
  • Equipment and Appliances’ Respective Life Cycles
  • Meaningful Interior and Exterior Surface Flaws
  • Condition of the Attic, Insulation, & Ventilation
  • State of the Roof and Property Drainage

PLEASE NOTE: For Buyer’s Inspection, the client should arrive at the assigned Presentation time and not before.

Working With District Home Pro

Booking an inspection is easy. We communicate clearly so you know when to arrive and how to dress. We tour the home with you and provide answers to your questions and talk about your concerns. You may have questions about the inspection process, our presentation, paying for the inspection or what you should do with the results. Please refer to our FAQ page.

Contact Us!

We’re happy to answer any questions or schedule your inspection.